“paper mood” (acrilico e olio su tela/acrylic and oil on canvas cm70x60)

“paper style” (acrilico e olio su tela/acrylic and oil on canvas cm50x100)

“Trieste e una Donna”, libreria antiquaria Umberto Saba
(acrilico e olio su tela/acrylic and oil on canvas cm70x120)
“Now that I am old, I would like to paint the wonders of the world with peaceful innocence. Among other things, my dark shop in Via San Nicolò 30 in Trieste; the one that my friend Nello Stock loved, willingly idling away his hours within its walls, and calling it, not without good cause, «the shop of miracles». Wandering along Via San Nicolò one morning in 1919, I saw this dark cavern, or noticed it for the first time. I thought: «If my fate is to spend my life in there, that would be so sad». Without my being aware of it, this was a warning or a prophesy.Indeed, a few days later I bought it from its old owner, Giuseppe Maylàender. I bought it with the intention of throwing all the old books it contained into the Adriatic Sea and reselling it empty for a higher price. However, after a few days I no longer had the courage to implement my initial project; those old books – none of which interested me in terms of the content – had enchanted me. I was also looking for a solution for my life”. Storia di una libreria (1948), U. Saba.